Sunday, June 7, 2009

My First VoiceThread

For this week's learning application, we explored an online tool called VoiceThread. This tool allows users to post pictures, video clips, audio clips or text based comments. After navigating through some of the different features on this site, I created my own VoiceThread. In my classroom, we are currently studying about the explorers and fur traders that came to the New World. I chose to create a VoiceThread that provided my students with an opportunity to hold a debate over whether or not it was okay for the explorers to claim the land that was already occupied by the Native Americans.

Here is a link to my VoiceThread:

I have posted a several pictures along with a few comments to get the discussion going.


1 comment:

  1. I like your pictures and the questions that go along with them. It will be interesting to see what people have to say and their reasonings. This is a great idea to use with your students and something they can do at home for homework too.
